Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Family Trekster

By now most of you have seen or at least heard about how bike friendly Portland can be. What amazes me, as i ride my daily commute, is the number of teens riding themselves to school. They almost out number the adult commuters. On my way to work today i saw the Oregonian equivalent of Clark W. Griswold's "Family Truckster." No it was not the beloved "metallic pea" that graced the American roadways in the 80's. Like i said. . .it was the Oregonian version. I regularly see parents toting their children along in their kiddie carts but this time, mom threw in a new twist. It was mom pedaling the Trek hybrid, child #1 pedaling along on her "trail-a-bike" and children #2 and 3 riding behind in the kiddie cart. This. . .my friends. . .is the Oregonian version of the infamous "Family Truckster."

Now onto more social affairs. As those of you who read my last post know. . .i recently purchased a new piece of furniture. To commemorate our newest addition to the home we threw a party but not just any party, a. . .Dash of Trash party. Those of you who know me, know i despise themed parties. This theme was close to my heart however. Dan and i decided that we didn't want to go too far out with the theme (aka we're too lazy to decorate and make the appropriate food) so we, with the help of our neighbor, threw in the "dash" provision. Everyone was to dress as they normally do but add a little trailer trash spice. In most cases people just brought cheap beer but in other cases (including my own but no picture exists to prove it) a little more dash was employed. The party was a success and everyone went home feeling. . .well. . .a bit trashier than before. I was told by another party goer that i looked "far too comfortable" in my sleeveless, collared, plaid shirt and bare feet. This coming from the guy standing next to Dan in this picture.

Note: Dan's lack of trash. He claims it has something to do with being a Canasian.

I truly wish i had more pictures to share but the camera man ended up hitting the sauce a little earlier than he probably should have. The rest of the evening's footage will have to remain in the minds of the participants. Sorry.

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