Monday, September 15, 2008

Tones of Home

If you would have asked me, prior to moving to Oregon and more specifically SouthEast Portland, if i would ever put a piece of indoor furniture outside. . .i would have laughed, right in your face. However, times change and so do decorating styles. Unfortunately, the "style" of my most recent piece of furniture is. . .well. . .old and grandmother's basement like. I am the proud new owner of a $100 sofa that now adorns my front porch. I SAID IT!!! I have a sofa on my front porch and i will even go as far to say, aside from the ghettoness of it all, everyone who owns a front porch should have a sofa on it. It's amazing how something as simple as a dusty, crusty and rusty sofa can create a lovely living space out of an under-used front porch. Needless to say. . .my weekend was pretty quiet. I napped and read on the sofa. . .the porch sofa that is. How's that for enlightenment?

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