The ferocious Riley sneaking back into the house.
I've heard, usually jokingly, that the first step to confronting addction is admitting that you have a problem. Well. . .i'm an addict. I have a problem and i'm not in any rush to turn my back on myself now. Trish, Willy, Shawn and Todd. . .it's all your fault. Ever since i was told to "walk it off," when i broke my leg playing soccer, i've been hooked. The weekend following Memorial Day i was asked to participate in the PSU 5-a-side tournament, a prestigous tournament that brings some of the best Portland has to offer in football. I cautiously accepted, seeing as i've been playing coed and haven't felt a heavy tackle in nearly two years. The tourney started on Saturday at 9.30 with our first game. We walked away with a pretty simple victory and continued winning throughout the day. It has been a long time since i've been involved in a soccer tournament. I forget how much i love being surrounded by soccer. There is always a good vibe and plenty of hooliganism going on. We entered the knockout round top seed for our group. Our first game was pretty easy but the second game of the day looked like it was going to be a blood bath. The team we were set to play had just punished the 2nd place team in Group B 15-2. Anxiously awaiting a challenge we got behind early to start the game. We slowly got our feet under us and by the final whistle we had the advantage 6-2. The team was poised for the finals. Our competition was the Concordia University's Men's team. The kids were no slouches. To start. . .they were kids, quick, fit, physical, kids. Fortunately, the team i was playing for was the Condordia University's Alumni team. In the end youth won out over experience 6-4.
Soccer-holics. Finally there is a place to meet.
So back to Memorial Day weekend. I didn't really do too much for my extended weekend. Spring was in the air so Dan and i did some minor "improvements" around the house/yard. Optomisitic (but terribly wrong) that the nice weather would hold, we decided to work on the lighting (or lack there of) situation in the backyard. We settled on large christmas like bulbs to string over the span of our brick patio. After looking over the logistics we opted more for the classic tree stringing effect. After a game of twister in the tree it was time to plant some veggies and herbs. Plenty of tomatoes, some peppers (which i hear don't grow in Oregon) and a few standard herbs. To break away from homely duties, Dan, the Newlyweds, myself and a couple other friends went spectating at the Timbers game. It was a highly contested match but in the end Portland walked away with their first loss of the season. After the game we went out for some drinks at one of the many McMenamin Brother's joints around the city. The McMenamin's have built a an entire empire of funky bars, hotels, and movie theaters all over the Pacific Northwest, including our beloved neighborhood movie theater, the Bagdad. They took a funeral parlour and turned it into a bar and an old elemtary school into several bars, movie theater, resturaunt and hotel. They've done it all. I took a break from drinking, housekeeping and more drinking to take a hike through Portland jewel Forest Park. The trails were essentially empty so Michelle and i enjoyed the quiet wilderness and fog filled treetops.
The Timber Army taunting in full effect.
The fog filled canopy of Forest Park.
As we get futher into the "spring" here in the Pacific Northwest the rain continues to fall. We scored a nice day this past Sunday but i was running on two whole hours of sleep so some of it was spent napping. The rest of it i was. . .believe it or not. . .playing soccer. I hope this finds you all in good health, good spirits and good weather. Don't let a little rain scare you, we like it wet here, so should you.
1 comment:
Hey man!! The blogg looks good. Wish I could get out there to see you soon.
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