I hope this thanksgiving found all of you spending time with the people you care about most. Although i did not make it back east for turkey day, i was fortunate enough to be invited to Stu and Katherine's for a thanksgiving feast with their family. I wish i had some pics of the festivities but i left the shutter at home. Stu fired up "mr twister" a home made (from the guts of a rock tumbler and some freshly welded cogs) rotisserie. Three hours and several libations later Stu presented the group the most gorgeous turkey in all of Oregon (so we claim). Katherine threw together some, soon to be, world -famous stuffing, not designed for the herbivores of the world. All-in-all i was grateful to spend time around a loving family, even if it wasn't my own. I felt quite welcome and just about at home.
Despite a chill in the air most of the weekend was spent outside the confines of the craftsman bungalow. After a late wake-up call on Friday (too many Brandy Alexanders) some of the G-clan, Katie, Bray, Cousin Steve, the new roomie and I all went out to Pier Park for a heated (actually pretty chilly) round of disc golf. When the Frisbees were done flying Dan and i tied for 1st with the rest of the field just a few strokes behind.
Here's Stu letting one fly on the the 3rd hole. Don't let that pink hat fool you, he's a fierce competitor. He was even wearing golf shoes.
Dave hucks one on the classic Pier Park 6th hole. A challenging, downhill dog leg right that leaves you searching for your disc under a large stand of Doug Firs.
Dan lets one rip on the 10th, wishing he had a pair of shades. That's what i call a tight fairway.

The 8-some heads toward the light to find the stray discs floating about. Follow the light and you will find the way. Dan busts out with his Canadian L.L Cool J impression (Yea B-oy)

Saturday morning, feeling fresh and not hung-over, Dan and i went into the gorge to attempt the infamous Eagle Creek Trail. Upon getting to the trail head we were heeded to not forge ahead by pink tape strung across the trail. Since when has some flimsy caution tape stopped an everline? Survey says. . .never. We ducked under the tape to only have our path impeded again. This time the park service had hung a 10 foot section of chain link fence across the path. In my old age and profound wisdom i have learned that somethings just aren't worth pushing. We turned back and headed for a new trail. I was a little disappointed because i've been aching to do that trail. Instead we took a less scenic uphill jaunt to Wauna Point (or something like that).
Eagle Creek Rec Area is the home of a fish hatchery. This time of year the salmon are still swimming home. Unfortunately, when they get there they swim to their deaths. Crossing the footbridge over Eagle Creek we saw several hundred salmon mindlessly swimming. These weren't small fish. Most of them were close to 2 1/2 feet long.

A view looking back toward Portland via Columbia River Gorge. The weather was cool and obviously a little overcast. Not the best day for taking vista photos. I hope you get the picture.

In an attempt to make someone jealous i snapped a few photos (2) of my daily views. The first is a picture of my ride across the Hawthorne bridge. I was hoping for a rainy day so people would feel sorry for me.
Instead it looked like this. . .

The good thing about it not raining in the morning (other than not getting soaked on my ride to work) is that i get to snap pictures like this from my window. Ahhh, life is rough.

I hope this post finds you all well. Enough for now. More to come.